01 de juny, 2006


cada dia passi pel lloc on s'ha matat el gerard, hi queden uns rastres de l'accident i mai no puc desviar-ne la mirada.
voldriï comprar unes flors per posar-les allà, com una animita xilena, per a que la gent recordi d'ell o de com la vida pot marxar en un tres i no res.
mano preguntava dimarts "per què vius? quin és el teu objectiu a la vida?"
ser feliç? i per què? per caure des de més amunt?
ajudar als demés? i oblidar-me?
donar suport a la meua filla? perquè se faci la mateixa pregunta d'aquí 20 anys?

quin objectiu se pot tenir a la vida?
assolir el despertar com diuen els budistes?
aconseguir no reencarnar-se?

What does it matter, a dream of love
Or a dream of lies
We're all gonna be in the same place
When we die
Your spirit don't leave knowing
Your face or your name
And the wind through your bones
Is all that remains
And we're all gonna be
We're all gonna be
Just dirt in the ground

The quill from a buzzard
The blood writes the word
I want to know am I the sky
Or a bird
'Cause hell is boiling over
And heaven is full
We're chained to the world
And we all gotta pull
And we're all gonna be
Just dirt in the ground

Now Cain slew Abel
He killed him with a stone
The sky cracked open
And the thunder groaned
Along a river of flesh
Can these dry bones live?
Ask a king or a beggar
And the answer they'll give
Is we're all gonna be
Yea yeah
We're all gonna be just
Dirt in the ground

[tom waits/dirt in the ground/bone machine]

anouk l'etoile polaire

[foto cechegoyen]