21 d’abril, 2009


m'és tan injust veure joves tan joves, tan bonics i plens de vida, que han decidit sacrificar-ho tot perquè consideren que la seva vida no val res si la seva terra no és lliure, tractats de terroristes per la gent que es diu oberta de ment i multicúltidelscollons.
no se'ls ha acudit que si els joves d'aquest país deixen la família, la terra, les festes del cap de setmana, la perspectiva de tenir fills i un llarg etcètera de possibles (de camins no escollits, diria l'amic) per a entrar a la clandestinitat, l'allunyament, la por, la cadena perpètua o la mort, és que "deu haver-hi alguna cosa"?
i que només pel preu d'aquest sacrifici la seva causa s'hauria de considerar?
quan veig la seva mirada a les fotos policials, tan dreta, tan resoluda, tan victoriosa, entenc què és viure dempeus.

20 d’abril, 2009

I don't turn you on...

She opens every door
Never calls you by your name
And when you say it's time to go
She looks at you like you're insane

But when she hears you play
She tries to sing along
She gets up and dances on the chair
And makes you laugh
When she sings

You say
I don't turn you on
Until it's time for me to go

She only cries at night
When the children are gone
She gets up to wipe away her eyes
In the blue light of the dawn

Laying on your chest
She's like a tiny cat
Brought up and broken on the street
You know she's the only one
That even knows where you're at

You say
I don't turn you on
Until it's time for me to go

She says crawl over here
I got something else to say
Pouring whisky in your coffee cup
She says I swore you liked it that way

She tells you how to stay alive
Acting like she's cleaning up your place
You could see every single star in the sky
Written on the expression of her lonely face

You say
I don't turn you on
Until it's time for me to go

You say
I don't turn you on
Until it's time for me to go

[joseph arthur/turn you on/temporary people]

16 d’abril, 2009

hasta que el cuerpo aguante

Il fera tous les bars de la terre
Il ira où on ne le connaît pas
Tanguera sur les fuseaux horaires
Fera voyager sa gueule de bois
Il boira comme on part à la guerre
Sans être sûr qu’on en reviendra
Il retrouvera partout un frère
A Shangaï, Séville ou Luanda

Il ira, ira, ira, ira
Hasta que el cuerpo aguante

Il ne connaîtra pas le silence :
Autour de lui, la nuit hurlera
Il tombera en pensant qu’il danse
Et que tant que tout tourne, tout va
Il n’aura ni remords ni regrets
Ni personne quelque part pour l’attendre
Rien que le bonheur pris sur le fait
Sans lendemain pour le lui reprendre

Il ira, ira, ira, ira
Hasta que el cuerpo aguante

Il fera tous les bars de la terre
Prendra tous les verres qu’on lui tendra
Roulera sur les deux hémisphères
Va savoir où il se réveillera
Il promènera sur lui le parfum
De quelqu’un dont ne lui reviendra
Ni la voix, ni le regard, ni rien
Et dans le premier bar entrera

Il ira, ira, ira, ira
Hasta que el cuerpo aguante
Hasta que el cuerpo aguante

[dominique a/hasta que el cuerpo aguante/la musique]
[directeur photo : roger simonsz/réalisé avec le soutien du life - lieu international des formes emergentes, st nazaire]

09 d’abril, 2009

"A courageous friend", I thought

I once knew a woman/man
"A courageous friend", I thought
But turned out so wrong was I
When we were up against the wall
He had chicken liver balls
He had chicken liver spleen
He had chicken liver heart
Made of chicken liver parts
Li-li-livered little parts
Li-li-livered little parts

Prematurely going bald
Any passion long-gone-cold
But I wanted to explore
The damp alleyways of his soul
Oh, the times I tried to help
He spit in my face and laughed
That woman/man
I want his fucking ass
I want his fucking ass
I want his fucking ass
I want your fucking ass!

He's looking likely
Cramped in a taxi
I see you too clearly
I'm sucking on a little pee
I'm sucking on a little pee

My, my, you little toy
He's just a mummy's boy
Where's your liver
Where's your heart
What's like your woman parts
Now it's my turn to laugh
Just to get up your fucking ass
Just to get up your fucking ass
Just to get up your fucking ass
Just to get up your fucking ass

[pj harvey + john parish/a woman a man walk by/the crow knows where all the little children go/a woman a man walk by]

05 d’abril, 2009

03 d’abril, 2009

wanna ride in my mercedes...

el veig demà.
tinc la sensació d'estar davant d'una cruïlla i que la sort decidirà per quin camí seguirà la meva vida.
estic estranyament serena.
espero que aquest cop tinc raons per ser-ho.

I've been next to you for a lifetime
I've been watching you from the start
Always trying to keep yourself put together
Always needing to fall apart
You wanna ride in my mercedes
Tonight we'll dance outside along the seashore
A quarter moon will paint our shadows on the cold sand
You ask me how come we dance
Well there is no reason at all
I hope that you will burn down this old house
And I hope that you will escape right through the front door
Turn around when you're safe
And talk about what they've done to you
Turn around when you're safe
And watch this house burn to the ground
Oh I hope that you will rise
When you talk about what they've done
Oh i know you will rise
When you watch yourself burn to the ground
Oh I hope that you will rise
When you talk about what they've done
Oh i know you will rise
You wanna ride in my mercedes
Everyday we are closer and far away
Everyday we are closer and far away
Oh I hope that you will rise
When you talk about what they've done
Oh i know you will rise
When you watch yourself burn to the ground
Oh I hope that you will rise
When you talk about what they've done
Oh i know you will rise
When you watch yourself burn to the ground
Oh I hope that you will rise
When you talk about what they've done
Oh i know you will rise
When you watch yourself burn to the ground
Oh I know you will rise
When you talk about it
You will rise, you will rise
You will rise

[joseph arthur/mercedes/big city secrets]